
Welcome to the September edition of Superposition Fremont's 2023 Newsletters! We hope you are adjusting well to the school year and are ready to take on new challenges. In this tech-focused issue, you'll find updates about our team application, advice for coding beginners, information on some fields within or related to computer science, and upcoming scholarship opportunities. Happy reading!


From August 21st to the 25th, Superposition Fremont held its second STEAM Week webinar series. Over the course of five days, 7 accomplished speakers were hosted and gave incredible talks on the following topics: research in Biological Sciences, Data Visualization, Computer Science, Bioastronautics, Contemporary Art, Feminism, and Science History, Applied Mathematics, and Combinatorics for both middle school and high school students locally and internationally. 


Throughout the week, over 85 students were able to interact with Assistant Professors, PhD students, and experts in their field to gain further insight in transformative STEAM fields. STEAM Week was a rewarding experience for both speakers and participants, and our organization truly appreciates every speaker who prepared both extensive and appealing graphics, activities, and answered numerous questions. We would further like to thank every single person who joined us to learn. Please be on the lookout for future events!

Note: For those interested in engineering, our engineering speaker Annika Rollock wanted to share a resource with a rough list of different university faculty around the world that works in areas related to bioastronautics for students to potentially reach out to. Additionally, our mathematics speaker Ashleigh Adam provided a copy of her presentation for attendees to reference in the future. 
DRAWING IN JAVA: a tutorial for beginners
Knowing how to draw in Java gives you countless opportunities to add unique visual components to your applications. Graphics programming allows you to create representations in 2D and 3D spaces for necessary visualization. If you are interested in learning this versatile skill, keep reading! This tutorial will introduce you to the basics so that you can get started.

1. To begin your code, you will need to type the following:

import java.util.*;

import java.awt.*;

public class Turtle {

A template for turtle objects is provided by the Turtle class. It specifies characteristics for turtles, such as their color, position, and movement. 


2. Create a world to draw in. You can make it as long and wide as needed. Just remember to change the x and y-coordinates in the parentheses. 

World habitat = new World(300,300);

You can name the world anything, but in this case, it has been named “habitat.”

3. Here are some commands you should know to start drawing in Java! Just remember to put the name of the turtle and a period before. For example, if the turtle has been named yertle, then put “yertle.” before the command. Always remember to put a semicolon after each line!

    a. forward() - The forward command moves the turtle forward. Place the number of                pixels you want the turtle to move forward in parenthesis. 

    b. backward() - The backward command moves the turtle backwards. Place the                      number of pixels you want the turtle to move backwards in parenthesis. 

    c. turnLeft() - This command makes the turtle turn to the left. 

    d. turnRight() - This will make it turn right. 

    e. penUp() - The pen up command means that the pen is picked up, so that there                  aren’t any tracks left behind while the turtle is moving. 

    f. penDown() - When you want visible marks as the turtle moves, then this command.           undoes the pen up command. 

    g. setColor() - You can change the color of the turtle’s marks with the set color                        command. Put the color you want the marks to be in parenthesis. 

    h. setWidth() - With this command, you can set the width of the tracks. In parentheses,          put the number of thickness you want for the width.


4. Here is an example of what you can code using all these commands:


import java.util.*;

import java.awt.*;


public class TurtleTest


  public static void main(String[] args)


        // Create the habitat. 

        World habitat = new World(500,500);

        // Create the turtle in the habitat. 

        Turtle yertle = new Turtle(habitat);











This code makes a square with side length 50.


SME Education Foundation Scholarships

Amount: Monetary; amount varies

Deadline: February 1, 2024


     - Permanent resident/citizen of US or Canada

     - Minimum of 2.0/4.0 GPA or higher

     - On track toward an associate, bachelor’s, or                       graduate degree in manufacturing, engineering,                technology, or a closely related field at an accredited        college/university in U.S. or Canada

Description: Passionate about supporting the next generation of engineers and manufacturers, the SME Education Foundation has awarded over 5,000 students with $18 million since 2005. Decisions for this application period will be released in May 2024. 


EngineerGirl Essay Contest

Amount: $500 (3 winners)

Deadline: February 1, 2024


     - Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12 (three                     competition categories) 

Description: For the 2023 prompt, EngineerGirl asks students to write an essay about how female and/or non-white engineers have contributed to their fields. The three winners will be announced in the summer of 2024. 


Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship 

Amount: $500 (1 winner)

Deadline: November 30, 2023


     - Must be female 

     - Any level of education

Description: This scholarship aims to empower the next generation of female leaders in the technology industry and create change in the gender imbalance that the field consistently upholds. In a 250-400 word essay, applicants are asked to write about one technology that inspires their views about how technology can better our world. 


American Chemical Society Scholars Program

Amount: Multiple awards worth up to $20,000

Deadline: March 1, 2024


     - High school senior or college student with US                   citizenship/permanent residency

     - Asian/Pacific Islander, Black/African,                                   Hispanic/Latino, Native American

     - Minimum GPA: 3.0

     - Intention to pursue a chemistry-related career

Description: Through this scholarship opportunity, the American Chemical Society intends to help students interested in chemistry pay for university tuition as well as lab equipment. The application process does not require an essay, but applicants are requested to submit their Student Aid Report, academic transcript, proof of enrollment, and a letter of recommendation. 


Lounge Lizard Web Design Scholarship

Amount: $1,000

Deadline: October 3, 2023. 


     - US high school seniors and college students

     - must be accepted to begin at an accredited school            within 6 months of application

Description: By submitting an original, creative project to Lounge Lizard, you can receive critiques from Ken Braun, the founder and chief creative officer of the company, and potentially earn a $1,000 scholarship for your work.  

Thank you for reading our September newsletter! If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact us (ch_fremont@superposition.tech) through e-mail. See you in our next issue!
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